
Quas molestias excepturi

Quas molestias excepturi

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia...

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Impedit quo minus id

Impedit quo minus id

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia...

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Voluptates repudiandae kon

Voluptates repudiandae kon

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia...

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Mauris euismod rhoncus tortor

Mauris euismod rhoncus tortor

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt...

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  • Quas molestias excepturi
  • Impedit quo minus id
  • Voluptates repudiandae kon
  • Mauris euismod rhoncus tortor

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Here is the collection of fun quotes. Laughing has been shown to lead to reductions in stress hormones. Laughter also boosts the number of antibody-producing cells and enhances the effectiveness of T-cells which leads to a stronger immune system. Lets have fun and strong immune system in a natural way!

“Love is so beautiful wonderful and amazing. It is best thing in the world…. until it happens to your daughter.”

When a woman closes her eyes, she sees the person she love the most, and when a man does that..a slide show begins!

One good thing about being wrong is the joy it brings to others!

Where there is a wheel, there is a way!

Sentence written on the T shirt of a girl walking on side of the road– “You are not looking at the road right now Be Careful!”

Why is Facebook such a hit? It works on the principle that People are more interested in others life than their own!

“Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. This is called theory of relativity.”

Even my child too has started to walk without my support but my wife still feels the need to hold my hand while walking!

“When a subject becomes totally obsolete we make it a required course.”

Life would be much easier if I can mark people as Spam!

A diplomat is a person who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you actually look forward to the trip.

A mechanical engineer can become a mechanic but a software engineer cannot become a software!

When a man brings his wife flowers for no reason… there’s a reason!

Only kids are excited about 11.11.11 or 12.12.12. For me nothing can be more interesting then 36:24:36

When someone tries to impress you, it means they are already impressed by you!

Steve Jobs has reached the gates of Heaven. The Apsaras will now be called iTems.

Money is not every thing in life. There is Mastercard and Visa also!

A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the moment it begins to rain.

Visitors are always pleasure. Some when they arrive and others when they leave.

The quickest way to double your money is to fold it in half and put it back in your pocket.

Who says nothing is impossible? I have been doing nothing for years.

Twine Engine Aircraft: When one engine fails the other one takes it to the crash site!

There are more and more things which are more important than money. But we need money to buy them.

All are happy in one way that everyone is unhappy in different ways.

To avoid heart attacks give away your heart to someone you dislike.

I like men who have a future and woman who have a past.

What do you call a group of people where two of them are thinking of sex and all the others are thinking of food? “A wedding.”

The most irritating moment, when you name a file “ghjkl” and your computer says the filename “ghjkl” already exists!

Thousand Words of Teacher Does Not Hurt.. But the silence of a friend in the examination hall brings tears into the eyes!

When girls kiss and hug each other… It’s Sister love… When guys do it…It’s GAY!

Its easy to find a handsome boy without a girlfriend but its difficult to find a beautiful girl without a boyfriend.

First bench students solve any problems but last bench students can face any problems!”

“To be happy with a man you must understand him a lot and love him a little. To be happy with a woman you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all.”

“I only take a drink on two occasions: when I’m thirsty and when I’m not.”

Google provides a wonderful service to send messages in bulk via Google SMS Channel. Many people are familiar with this service. Unfortunately this service is down via web in many web browsers. For instance if you want to receive SMS alerts from ItsAllinfo SMS Channel you have to log in via this Google link

to your Google Account. Unfortunately this link will not open in Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer

It seems that Google is going to change the look and feel of SMS Channel Homepage too as they did in all other applications. May be they are going to apply HTML5 effects. So it will take time to reload the service. Strange thing is Mobile browsers are capable of opening the link.

If you want to browse all the channels and search your required channel then use this link this will work only in Google Chrome web browser and not in all other remaining browsers. It looks like only Google Chrome can handle the protocol used in SMS channel.

Remember that channel subscription from your mobile phone will work fine. Example to subscribe to ItsAllinfo SMS alerts from your mobile just type ON its_AtoZ and send it to 09870807070.

By subscribing to SMS Channel you will get free messages not greater than three on any day. Of course you can unsubscribe at any time by replacing the word ON with OFF followed by channel name and send again to 09870807070.

Excellent service provided by Google free of cost to all the people in India. Best thing is your mobile number is always safe and you cannot get any spam messages. Every thing is in user’s control.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Volkswagen has taken the automobile industry a step up with its new technology called Temporary Auto Pilot (TAP). For all those of us who think that we could use our hands for doing other things while driving the vehicle, have a reason to rejoice. This technology would allow the driver to get around the town while keeping his/ her hands free. Imagine you could utilise the time you to the fullest without fearing accidents now. Isn’t it great?
But even though the technology would allow hands free driving, you would have to keep a tab on the system. This is the first attempt by the company which allows semi automatic driving but in near future drivers would be able to enjoy automatic driving. With a little monitoring, you could have a relaxing drive while your Volkswagen moves at a speed of 130km/hr.
TAP is a smart system which controls the speed of vehicle while making sure that there is safe distance with other vehicles. If this did not amuse you enough, the wonder car by Volkswagen would also make sure that vehicle maintains central position as per lane markings, drops speed before any bends and the best part is the driver could deactivate the system if need be. Wondering how such a technology works? TAP works with the help of sensor platform that consists of camera, radar, ultrasonic sensors supported by electronic horizon and laser scanner.
TAP is the perfect rescuer in the situations like traffic jams and with the routes that are speed limited. Volkswagen has tried to turn many of our dreams into reality but the head of the group advises the drivers to be vigilant. The technology is still semi automatic and the driver is supposed to monitor the TAP constantly to avoid any types of mis-happenings.

Today’s, advance technology all around us, and it begin to grow rapidly day by day. People keep on updating their gadget and information up to date as it is very helpful especially for people who is dealing with busy life. I am going to introduce you a future transparent screen technology.

Just hold it and frame the building or places that you want to know more about. It will show you the information you needed on the screen.
With this thin features screen, it is portable and easy to be carried anywhere you go.

You can easily translate any language you want to read. You do not have to search for word by word in the dictionary. Student for example can done their assignment faster with the help of this nano screen technology as their translator.

In addition, it can be your guider to direct you when you lost. Even you are new at one particular place, you still can manage your life to go anywhere you wanted. It will direct you whenever you ask them to do so. From a big city to your dream shop, hotel, restaurant or even to the rest room provided within the place.
On the other hand, this NaviQ digital city guide might have the same usage like transparent screen technology. It gives local and tourist the information bout the city, the location of places, weather forecast, current news and public transport routes.

These are the great people whose discoveries have changed the world but they were unfortunate as they died or injured themselves while performing their experiments. The advances they have made to science are incredible and many of them opened the doors for some of man’s greatest discoveries and inventions.

Sir David Brewster

Sir David was a Scottish scientist, and a writer. Optics and light polarization was the field of his interest. Optics is a a field requiring excellent vision. In 1831, Sir David performed a chemical experiment which almost blinded him. He remained affected with eye troubles until his death. Sir David Brewster is well known as the inventor of the kaleidoscope – a toy that has gives joy to millions of children over the years.

Alexander Bogdanov

Alexander Bogdanov was a Russian physician, philosopher, economist, and a science fiction writer. In 1924, he started experiments with blood transfusion. After performing 11 transfusions himself, he stated that he had suspended his balding, and improved his eyesight. Unfortunately, Bogdanov forgot to test the health of the blood of the donor which he was using. In 1928, Bogdanov took a transfusion of blood infected with malaria and tuberculosis which made him died shortly.

Karl Scheele

Scheele was a pharmaceutical chemist and had discovered many chemical elements. The most notable of his discoveries were oxygen, molybdenum, tungsten, manganese and chlorine. He also discovered a process very similar to pasteurization. Scheele had the habit of taste testing his discoveries and managed to survive his taste-test of hydrogen cyanide. But he was unfortunate while tasting mercury and died from the symptoms of mercury poisoning.

Elizabeth Ascheim

After the death of the mother, Elizabeth Fleischman Ascheim married her family doctor, Woolf. Woolf was very much exited about the new discovery of Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen x-rays. His wife also became equally interested in it and she gave up her job as a bookkeeper to continue studies in electrical science. Finally, she bought an x-ray machine and kept it in her husbands office which was the first x-ray lab in San Francisco.

Using themselves as subjects, She and her husband spent some years in experimenting with the machine. Unfortunately, they did not realize the consequences of their lack of protection to x-rays and Elizabeth died of an extremely widespread and violent cancer.

Jean Francois De Rozier

Jean Francois was a teacher of chemistry and physics. In 1783, he witnessed the world’s first balloon flight that created a passion in him for flight. After testing various flights of a sheep, a chicken, and a duck, he took the first manned free flight in a balloon. He traveled at an altitude of 3,000 feet using a hot air balloon. Later, De Rozier planned a crossing of the English Channel from France to England. He took the flight but unfortunately after reaching 1,500 feet in a combined hot air and gas balloon, the balloon deflated and made him to fall to his death.

Sir Humphry Davy

Sir Humphry Davy was a brilliant British chemist and inventor. He got a very rough start to his science career. As a young trainee, he was fired from his job because he caused too many explosions while performing experiments. He was so much passionate about chemistry that he took it up as the field of his career. He had a habit of inhaling various gases while dealing with them. Luckily this habit led to his discovery of the anesthetic properties of nitrous oxide. But, unfortunately, this same habit led to him nearly killing himself on many occasions. The frequent poisonings of gases made him useless for the remaining two decades of his life. He had also damaged his eyes permanently in a nitrogen trichloride explosion.

Michael Faraday

After the injury of a brilliant British chemist Sir Humphrey Davy’s eyes, Faraday became an trainee to him. He made efforts to improve Davy’s methods of electrolysis and to make useful discoveries in the field of electro-magnetics. Unfortunately, Faraday also suffered damage to his eyes in a nitrogen chloride explosion. He spent the rest of his life suffering with chronic chemical poisoning.

Louis Slotin

Slotin worked on the US project to design the first nuclear bomb. While performing experiments for his project, he accidentally dropped a sphere of beryllium on a second sphere causing a prompt critical. It is known from other scientists who were in the room that they had witnessed a blue glow of air ionization and felt a heat wave. Slotin was rushed to hospital where he died nine days later.

The amount of radiation he was exposed to was equivalent to standing 4800 feet away from an atomic bomb explosion.

Marie Curie

Curie along with her husband Pierre discovered radium in 1898. She spent rest of her life performing radiation research and studying radiation therapy. Her constant exposure to radiation led to her contracting leukemia and due to which she died in 1934. Curie is the first and only person who received two Nobel prizes in science in two different fields, chemistry and physics.

Galileo Galilei

Galileo also referred to as the “father of modern physics”. His work on the refinement of the telescope was brilliant. It opened up the doors of the universe for future generations. But it also damaged his eyesight. He was fascinated with the sun and spent many hours staring at it. As a result of which, he got extreme damage to his retinas. This was the most likely cause of his near blindness in the last four years of his life.

First Mouse

In the 1960′s, a relatively unknown inventor Douglas Englebart, wanted to create a way for people to interact with a computer screen.

With the help of Bill English, a pioneer of human-computer interaction, he came up with all sorts of ideas, including a giant metal track ball and a knee operated device- which looked more like a medieval torture device than a computer peripheral, but these devices lacked speed and accuracy unlike his personal favourite-a mouse which was nothing more than a carved block of wood with some electronics inside.

Roller Ball Mouse

In September 1972, Englebart’s project partner-English-built the roller ball mouse, it could navigate a pointer around the screen with ease, and it was so succesful that despite advances in technology, you can still buy a basic no frills roller ball mouse today.

Over the years the amount of buttons on the mouse has fluctuated, one was supposed to be most simple for new users; three gave more options, but in the end the majority of users have two buttons on their mouse.

Optical Mouse

The roller ball mouse has gradually been phased out over the past ten years, replaced by the optical mouse, and more recently the laser mouse, both these types beat the roller ball mouse hands down, you don’t require a rubber mat for them, with the laser mouse if you had the inclination, you could surf the internet on your laptop whilst doing a bungee jump, brushing your hair and singing the national anthem at the same time it is so accurate.

Laser Mouse

These days there are mice that are specifically designed for games, allowing you to tailor their feel depending on the game you are playing.

Logitech released a mouse recently that uses gyroscopic technology so that you can make changes to applications in Windows Vista by moving your arms about, despite the advances of the mouse, the humble roller mouse will be missed by many, it’s hover like skills that saved you from having to dust your desktop.

Next time you hear someone saying that a Panda ate his presentation; do not just giggle it away. With debut of Bamboo laptops, this is quite possible. Do not be amazed as this unusual laptop comes with a beautiful bamboo cover.
Already a hot cake in eco-friendly market, this laptop is here to stay for sure. Asus has made a remarkable attempt to offer an ecobook. They have replaced plastic with renewable and a green resource- bamboo. The machine helps in reducing the CO2 emissions and also uses the hybrid engine that saves battery life. The components of the laptop are made of non hazardous material too. Display, lids, cover, palm rest, frame- one could find bamboo finish in every corner of the machine.
The laptop blends style, feature and eco-friendliness perfectly. One can find various models including Asus U33JC-A1, U43JC-A1, U43JC-X1, U53JC-A1 and many others. In spite of so much diversity, there is a range of similarities that add to the delight of its users. Hybrid battery, great connectivity and LED display along with beautiful finishes makes the laptop a hit.
By using a bamboo laptop, one can do his bit towards saving the ever deteriorating environment. A pat on the back of all the manufacturers and designers, who offered this ecological and aesthetically pleasing laptop. Use of plastic is ruled in these laptops as it uses a combination of fast growing resource, bamboo with metal. Dell also offers the eco bamboo computers. Invest in one such laptop to appreciate the effort of transforming technological world in an eco-friendly one.